An elementary-only independent school located in Atlanta, serving children ages three through Sixth Grade since 1951.

Parent Handbook


Serving children age three through Sixth Grade, Trinity School creates a community of learners in a diverse and distinctly elementary-only environment, in which each child develops the knowledge, skills, and character to achieve his or her unique potential as a responsible, productive, and compassionate member of the School and greater community.


List of 2 items.


    Celebrating the present and preparing our students for the future within a nurturing and caring educational environment, we…

    Cherish Childhood
    • Provide joyful experiences that include play- and passion-based learning
      Ensure developmentally appropriate experiences
    • Design experiences around what is important in the life of a child
    Deepen Students’ Educational Experience
    • Develop creative and critical thinking and questioning skills
    • Value both process and product of learning
    • Connect learning vertically, horizontally, cross-curricularly, and globally
    Empower Students in Their Learning
    • Foster a growth mindset
    • Cultivate voice, choice, and self-reflection
    • Promote leadership
    So that our students...

    Build Academic Foundation
    • Establish proficiency in essential knowledge and skills
    • Embrace diverse experiences of a well-rounded education
    Develop Character Foundation
    • Exhibit ethical skills, habits, and attitudes of empathy, integrity, and respect
    • Demonstrate performance skills, habits, and attitudes of accountability, persistence, and resilience
    Exhibit Continued Curiosity, Creativity, and Confidence
    • Imagine, discover, and experiment independently and collaboratively
    • Adapt to new situations and a changing world

    Supporting the Mission Statement and the Program and Pedagogy Pillars is the School’s Pledge of Excellence.

    We believe that for the total development of children there must be mutual respect and cooperation between the School and home. Enrollment of children indicates that parents understand and accept the basic philosophy under which the School operates. The Board of Trustees, Administration, faculty, and staff encourage open communication.

    TRINITY SCHOOL promises that:
      • your child will be loved, accepted, and respected;
      • the curriculum will be continually assessed to ensure its appropriateness for preschool and elementary age children;
      • in attending to individual student needs and concerns, all in-house resources will be exhausted before outside help is recommended;
      • opportunities will be provided for parental involvement in your child’s education;
      • conferences will be held, and great effort will be expended to make them beneficial to you and your child;
      • concerns will be heard and addressed; and
      • confidentiality will be maintained.
    THE PARENTS promise to accept that:
      • regular and timely attendance of children as outlined in the attendance policy is crucial; 
      • Trinity cannot support their child’s health without accurate and current health information; 
      • children should be dressed appropriately for the weather; 
      • attendance at parent/teacher conferences is essential;
      • parental involvement through the Trinity School Parents’ Association is important;
    After discussions with parents:
      • Trinity must be able to count on parents to understand and comply with Trinity’s request for outside professional help with their children (tutoring, counseling, testing) and provide complete reports to Trinity from these outside sources in a timely manner;
      • The School will make the decisions about the appropriateness of the educational placement of each child, be that grade-level placement or group placement within the grade, or placement in a different educational setting;
      • When the School feels parent dissatisfaction is such that the child’s and/or the School’s best interest are being harmed, Trinity may ask the parent to withdraw the child from the School.


List of 42 items.


    Trinity School (“Trinity” or “the School”) seeks economic, social, racial, and religious diversity in its student body. The School does not discriminate based on race, color, or national and ethnic origin, religion or creed, gender, sexual orientation, family composition, or economic status in the administration of our admission and educational policies, in the extension of financial assistance, or other school-administered programs. A birth date prior to September 1 determines age eligibility. Applicants with birthdays between May 1 and September 1 will be placed in the grade level determined to best fit their social, emotional, and academic needs.

    To fulfill application requirements, as specified in the admissions material, a family must:
    • Submit the child’s application form and payment of fee;
    • Have the child available for evaluation, observation, and testing by the School where appropriate;
    • Provide transcripts, teacher evaluations, and other pertinent information from former schools where applicable.
    General Considerations
    The Admissions Office considers, among other matters, the following:
    • The degree to which the enrollment of the child in the program of Trinity School will be mutually beneficial to the child, his or her family, and Trinity School;
    • The desire to regularly afford preference among equally qualified students to siblings of current Trinity students, children of alumni, and previously enrolled students;
    • The desire to regularly add new families to the constituency of Trinity School;
    • The potential contribution of the child and his or her family to the overall aims and goals of Trinity School, including the School’s desire to increase diversity enrollment.
    Trinity adheres to the state of Georgia’s immunization requirements for children. Current Georgia residents must submit the GA 3231 at the time of enrollment. Out-of-state or country students must submit their current state record or form at the time of acceptance for evaluation. The immunization record will be added to the online Student Medical Record. Vision, hearing, and dental screening (GA 3300) is required of all entering students of appropriate age. Initial screening begins at age four. The screening records will be added to the online Student Medical Record.

    Regular Attendance
    Regular attendance is very important at every grade level. If a pattern of absences develops, the Division Head will contact the parents to rectify the situation.

    If your child has had a fever (100.0 or higher), keep her or him at home until s/he has been fever free for a full 24 hours without taking any fever-reducing medicine. Keep your child at home if he or she has had vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours. Also keep your child home with symptoms of a cold or any other communicable disease.

    Children may be sent home on the determination of school staff. It is very important that you let the School know if a child will be out by sending an email to Include the reason for your child's absence, including symptoms or diagnosis. For more information, reference “Is Your Child Too Sick for School?” and the Contagious Diseases Policy on the Health Information tile in MyTrinity, or contact the School Nurses at 404-231-8108 or

    Tardy to School
    The school day begins at 8:05 AM, and students who arrive after carpool ends will be marked tardy. Parents must sign in students who are tardy at Reception so that they are not marked as absent for the day. Arriving on time positively impacts students, providing time for organization, socialization, and preparation for the day. Conversely, late arrival can cause children to feel rushed or behind, which starts their day negatively. If a pattern of tardiness develops, the Division Head will contact the parents to rectify the situation.

    Extended Absences
    To ensure appropriate preparation, written notice of planned absences should be given to the School one week in advance. The School is not responsible for academic loss resulting from extra vacation days. Parents going out of town during the school year should inform the School of their child’s emergency contact person before their departure.

    Trinity School places great emphasis on character education as it affects both the individual and the community as a whole. We are a learning environment that supports the teaching of character and values education and its daily integration into the life of the School. Most components of behavior and decorum are taught through direct instruction, modeling, and situations that arise in the school community. Harmonious and civil relationships among students, faculty, staff, and parents in the Trinity community are the expectation. This should be demonstrated by a respect for others’ views and a supportive attitude.

    Parent Cooperation
    Parents choose Trinity in part for its emphasis on values. All students and all adults are expected to conduct themselves with civility and respect, even during times of differing viewpoints and opinions. Concerns, problems, and miscommunication should always be addressed between adults with common regard. Teachers’ behavior is held to a high standard at Trinity, as is parents’ behavior. It is rare that a Trinity parent becomes disrespectful toward a teacher, administrator, or another parent. If a parent does display blatant disregard for others, that individual will be directed to review the following point in the Online Enrollment Contract: “When the School feels parent dissatisfaction is such that the child’s and/or the School’s best interests are being harmed, Trinity may ask the parent to withdraw the child from the School.” Likewise, as a result of inappropriate behavior, a parent may be asked by the Head of School to remain off-campus though the child may still attend school.

    No other aspect of school life carries more significance than citizenship. Cooperation, courtesy, respect, and consideration of others contribute immensely to the daily life and spirit of the School. Although education is the School’s major goal, responsibility to others is fundamental in our life together, with each student being responsible for his or her own actions.

    Discipline of Students
    Discipline at Trinity is designed to maintain a community in which each member is safe and respected. We seek to promote an atmosphere of honesty, integrity, and care for one another in the mutual spirit of cooperation and respect between students and faculty. In order to help students become self-directed and cooperative members of a larger group, we are clear about both the behaviors that support learning within a group setting and behaviors that are inappropriate. Both forms of behavior have results or consequences. The positive results are easily seen in the child with strong self-discipline, self-motivation, a respect for self and others, and a willingness to cooperate and learn.

    Negative behavior also has consequences. The disciplinary code stated below delineates those behaviors that are not acceptable in the Trinity community and the consequences that follow such behaviors.

    At times, situations may require logical and natural consequences that we hope are positive learning experiences. However, if a teacher deems an offense requires more than a natural consequence, the following system applies.

    General Student Expectations
    • Treat others as you would want them to treat you.
    • Be polite and respectful to other students and adults whether they are faculty, staff, visitors, or substitute teachers.
    • Be prompt in arriving at school, attending class, and completing work.
    • Dress appropriately, according to the dress code, including proper footwear. 
    • Move safely throughout the building, being courteous to others in the hallway and mindful of students and adults at work.
    • Keep the campus free of litter.
    • Keep furniture and walls free of graffiti.
    • Respect the property of Trinity School and of others.
    • Write or mark in textbooks and workbooks only when instructed to do so.
    • Do not use inappropriate language at school.
    • Do not bring candy, including gum, or carbonated beverages to school.
    • Eat only at snack time, lunch time, or when permitted by a teacher in the designated areas, wash hands before and after eating, do not share your food, and clean up after yourself.
    • Use school telephones only with permission from a teacher or staff member. Students should not call home for forgotten homework or to make social arrangements.
    • Refrain from bringing money (except for special activities) or other personal valuables to school.
    • If brought to school, keep cell phones and wearable technology, including Smartwatches, in the student's bookbag and turned off.

    Minor to Moderate Offenses
    Teachers and students annually develop classroom agreements and procedures, which often include the following minor to moderate offenses:
      • Excessive talking in class
      • Not following directions
      • Lack of responsibility
      • Inappropriate or excessive disruptive or distracting behavior
      • Loss of self-control
      • Tardiness to class (Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade)
    The appropriate consequences for such offenses will be determined by the teacher based on the offense and the individual student. If a pattern of behavior emerges, the Division Head and parents will be notified and involved in any additional consequences or next steps.

    Young children bite on rare occasion, and parents of the biting child will be contacted to implement a home-school behavior modification plan. In the case of excessive or repeated biting, procedures for serious offenses will be followed.

    Serious Offenses
    Major behavioral disruptions will be communicated to the Division Head, who then will determine next steps, which typically include contacting parents and the Head of School. These infractions include:
      • Rude or disrespectful comments, including profanity
      • Open or persistent defiance
      • Roughhousing or fighting
      • Excessive or repeated biting
      • Inappropriate use of technology
      • Lying
      • Damage to property
      • Stealing
      • Cheating
      • Leaving school without permission
      • Engaging in malicious or destructive gossip
      • Drug, alcohol, or tobacco use
      • Violence or threats of violence
      • Sexual aggression
    Any one of these infractions may result in a serious consequence, up to suspension and expulsion. Depending on the circumstances, on-campus or off-campus suspension may occur as determined by the Division Head in discussion with the Head of School. If a child continues such behavior, the parents may be asked to withdraw the child from school. The final decision in all matters of discipline is based on the discretion of the appropriate Division Head and the Head of School.

    Peer Aggression
    One of the hallmarks of Trinity School’s education is the cultivation of respect, responsibility, and positive relationships. However, administrators and teachers at Trinity School realize that negative social behavior can and does occur at Trinity, just as it does at any school. Responding to it constructively requires the collaborative support of students, teachers, administrators, and parents. With collaboration, a commitment to decreasing negative social behavior will be maximized.

    What separates peer aggression from the typical interpersonal development experienced by children learning to navigate their social world is that peer aggression is intentional, repetitive, and involves an imbalance of social power.

    Trinity does not believe that a “zero-tolerance” policy works with children. Reports of peer aggression are taken seriously and addressed expeditiously. In a peer aggression situation, the well-being of all children involved is paramount. Young children need the opportunity to learn from mistakes. Individual consequences need to be applied depending on the personal circumstances of each child.

    Teachers and Division Heads deal directly with students who engage in negative social behavior. Depending on circumstances, consequences may include forms of apology, referrals for professional support, suspension, and, in extreme cases, expulsion from the School.

    Parents are strongly encouraged to invite either a few students to a child’s birthday party or the entire class. Feelings can be hurt when a small number of children are left out. Invitations should not be delivered at school.

    Each student in Early Learners should bring his or her blue and white Trinity bookbag clearly marked with his or her name on the outside. All new Early Learners receive a Trinity bookbag as a part of their welcome to the School.

    Pre-K through Sixth-Grade students should use a 15-inch or larger bookbag or backpack that is comfortable for them.

    All articles that a child uses in school should be plainly and durably marked with his or her name before they are put into use. Articles of value or money should not be brought to school (except for special activities).

    Trinity School prioritizes the safety of everyone in the community and requires drivers to respect specific procedures. The guidelines below are designed to ensure safety and efficient carpooling. The Head of School or the Director of Operations may contact drivers who exhibit risky behavior.

    SchoolPass and Visor Signs
    Trinity School utilizes an automated carpool system called SchoolPass, available online and on the app, to track cars entering and exiting campus. Enter all drivers’ license plate numbers in your SchoolPass account and place your school-issued SchoolPass RFID tag directly under the rearview mirror of your car. Ensure that nannies, grandparents, or other regular drivers are aware of carpool guidelines and have a RFID tag and a license plate added in the app. Complete SchoolPass procedures can be found on the SchoolPass tile in MyTrinity.

    In addition, parents receive carpool visor signs that include their child(ren)'s names and grades. During pick-up, attach the sign to the right-hand visor, so the names and grades are visible to the carpool loaders.

    Traffic Pattern for Entering and Exiting Trinity
    • From Northside Parkway, always enter the Loop Road at the Trinity School sign.
    • When entering campus, always make a left-hand turn into Trinity's gates.
    • When exiting campus, always turn right out of Trinity's gates.
    General Carpool Procedures
    • Form two lanes of traffic when entering the carpool area at the designated sign and exercise courtesy when merging back into one lane.
    • Remain in the carpool line and do not exit because of perceived delays as this will disrupt the SchoolPass queue.
    • Never leave a vehicle in the carpool lane.
    • Defer to the Crosswalk Guard for traffic control.
    • Do not use a cell phone, earphones, or other electronic device that can distract your attention from people and vehicles. Employees have been instructed to ask drivers to put cell phones away when dropping off or picking up students.
    • Remain in the vehicle when dropping off or picking up.
    • Do not unload children or materials from a rear hatch or trunk. Employees are not allowed to load or unload a child in the rear of the vehicle. Drivers should pull around past the Visitor Lot and park alongside the curb.
    • Animals in vehicles must be controlled by their handler.
    • Do not hold up the flow of traffic by stopping to chat with carpool helpers.
    • Never obstruct the striped handicap aisles or pull into a handicap space if you do not have a proper handicap parking permit or license plate.
    Drop-Off Procedures
    • Students should remain buckled until the vehicle comes to a complete stop and remain in the vehicle until a carpool helper assists with opening the door.
    • Regular drop-off runs from 7:30–8:05 AM, when the school day officially begins.
    • A faculty member is on duty in the carpool lane between 7:15 and 7:30 AM for early drop-offs.
    • Fifth and Sixth Graders’ and carpools with four or more Trinity students may unload in the Visitor Lot.
    • All other students are dropped off under the covered carpool lane.
    • Students who arrive between 7:15 and 7:45 AM will go to the AWAC before being dismissed to classrooms.
    • To enter the building for any reason, including helping your child carry something: go through carpool, drop off your child, park in the Parent Parking Lot (first row in the main parking lot), and enter through the crosswalk.
    • If your child is late for morning drop-off, park your car and walk your child into Reception to sign them in so that they are not marked as absent.
    Pick-Up Procedures
    • Notify the Director of Operations of anyone who should never pick up your child.
    • The School reserves the right to hold a child and make a call to the parent to confirm if we are in doubt about a driver.
    • Parents must update carpool times or drivers in SchoolPass by 8:30 AM the day of the change and notify their carpool driver of any changes.
    • Students who leave early must be signed out at Reception.
    • Students are not allowed to leave the School unless accompanied by a designated adult.
    • Regular dismissal times:
      • 12:30 PM: Early Learners
      • 2 PM: Pre-K and Kindergarten Monday–Thursday, Pre-K through Sixth Grade on Fridays
      • 3 PM: First through Sixth Grade Monday–Thursday
    • Extended Programs (EP) afternoon carpool dismissal times:
      • 2 PM: Early Learners Lunch Bunch Monday–Friday
      • 3 PM: Early Learners, Pre-K, and Kindergarten EP Monday–Friday, All Grades EP on Fridays
      • 4 PM: All Grades EP Monday–Thursday
    • Carpool will run longer on Early Dismissal Days.
    • All drivers must pick up students through the main carpool line during regular dismissal times. Only under extenuating circumstances may parents park in the Parent Parking Lot and pick up students at the designated table in the carpool hub.
    • If you need to buckle your child in his or her seat, first pull around past the Visitor Lot and park alongside the curb.
    • Drivers at the front of the line whose children are significantly delayed may be directed to turn in to the Visitor Lot to allow vehicles behind to exit the line.
    • If the driver is late, park in the Parent Parking Lot and check in at Reception.
    Extended Program Procedures and Late Pick-Up Rates
    • After the first week of school, students who are not picked up by the end of their carpool will be escorted to Extended Programs (EP), and parents will be charged $20/hour for drop-in care.
    • Parents of students in EP because of late pick-up must go to Reception to pick them up or arrange a new pick-up time.
    • Students in EP Special Classes that end at 3:30 PM or 4:30 PM have their own carpool. Wait until your child’s designated pick-up time to get in the carpool line. Students not picked up after 10 minutes will be escorted to EP drop-in care for $20/hour.
    • EP concludes at 6 PM. A $20 late fee per child will be charged from 6:01-6:10 PM. After 6:10 PM, the late fee rate is $2 per minute.

    Class placement is a delicate balancing act between individual needs and group dynamics. Teachers collectively make recommendations to Division Heads, and parents can share information about their child in a form provided in the spring, though specific teacher requests are not taken into consideration. The Administration makes the final determination of class placement, considering all students' needs. Grade retention is rare and only considered under extenuating circumstances when the School believes it is in the child’s best interest, and the Division Head and classroom teachers will communicate with parents if retention is necessary

    School closings or delays will be posted on the School’s website and communicated to all families through Trinity’s emergency notification system.

    They will also be submitted to the following TV stations: WSB TV, Fox 5 Atlanta, and 11Alive.

    During severe weather, be prepared to pick up your child(ren) before the roads become unsafe. If in doubt, call Extended Programs at 404-231-8117 to ascertain the status of EP closing time. The School wants to avoid having anyone stranded on the roads or at Trinity School.

    If the School is under a crisis or weather alert at carpool dismissal time, students will return to the interior of the building until the site is safe. Students will be dismissed only to their parents, not to a carpool driver. Carpool drivers will be asked to come into the building.

    Positive and open communication between the home and the School is the foundation of a good partnership for each student’s benefit. Going to the source of an issue can help dispel rumors or misunderstandings. While speaking directly to a teacher about a child is the best way of resolving issues, Grade Level Representatives are also available to talk about other issues in a particular grade.

    To address a concern in the classroom, parents should first contact the teacher. If needed, they can then contact the Division Head and then the Head of School. The Administration is always available to speak with parents.

    Information at Trinity School travels quickly, and it is important for everyone involved that it be as accurate as possible and that it be kept in perspective. Never hesitate to call the School or a TSPA officer and ask about accurate information.

    The School makes every effort to communicate as clearly and as thoroughly as it can about those matters affecting the community. Also, please be considerate and respectful by not telephoning teachers at their homes or on their cell phones. Instead, use their school email unless there is an emergency. Because a teacher's primary duty is instruction, do not expect an immediate response to email during the school day. If you need to send an email to any of the Receptionists, send the email to

    Parent Sharing conferences are held in late August. These conferences provide parents with an opportunity to share information about their child (academic and social profiles, hopes, concerns, goals, and related information) with their child’s teacher. Then there are two scheduled Parent-Teacher Conferences for students, one during the first semester and one in the second. Camp Days and limited drop-in childcare will be available on Conference Days. See more information under the Extended Programs section.

    Progress reports and applicable Learning Team reports are available to parents online via MyTrinity. Parents will have access to their child’s reports and My Learning portfolios prior to the conferences.

    The classroom teachers develop the conference schedules. Sign-ups for conferences occur online.

    As it is difficult to reschedule conferences missed on conference day, make every effort to attend the conference when it is scheduled. If you wish to schedule a conference at any other time during the school year, communicate with the teacher via email and the teacher will respond. Please do not expect a teacher to be available immediately for an impromptu conference as his or her planning time is valuable and necessary to ensure an exceptional instructional program for your child and respect teachers’ privacy by not telephoning them at home. Instead, use their email unless there is an emergency.

    Students in grades 2–5 participate in achievement testing designed by the Educational Records Bureau (ERB), typically in February. Parents receive a written report on ERB results.

    Trinity has developed an extensive plan for responding to emergencies or crises of many types. The Crisis Plan details potential events, how to respond to them, and what additional considerations should be undertaken. The School keeps student and adult safety uppermost in its plans.

    A Crisis Team is responsible for carrying out the plan. The School reviews the plan annually. The Crisis Plan must be kept confidential for security purposes.

    Trinity has two full-time counselors working collaboratively to meet the needs of all our students. Also, a Consulting Psychologist is on campus two days a week and works in conjunction with the Learning Team, faculty, and staff. Contact your child’s Division Head for more information.

    Trinity School requires students in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade to wear uniforms. Uniforms are optional for Early Learners and Pre-K students. All students are required to wear non-marking athletic shoes daily. Trinity's uniform vendor is Lands' End. Visit the online Lands' End Uniform Store to order clothing and review a listing of approved items. Trinity's Lands' End Preferred School Number is 900071762. A link to the Lands’ End online store can also be found on the School Uniforms tile in MyTrinity.

    Early Learners and Pre-K General Appearance Guidelines

    Early Learners and Pre-K students should be dressed according to the following guidelines with the understanding that young children at Trinity may get messy and dirty.
    • Students must have their names clearly marked on the inside of all clothing and shoes.
    • School clothes need to fit. They should be roomy enough so that they do not inhibit gross motor movement in P.E., on the playground, and in music.
    • School clothes should be casual and comfortable.
    • Shirts should cover the midriff.
    • Clothes should not have holes or rips.
    • No jewelry (rings, bracelets, or necklaces) should be worn to the playground or P.E. classes.
    • On P.E. days, children should wear shorts, pants, jogging outfits, or loose-fitting clothing.
    • Tennis shoes or appropriate athletic footwear should be worn (no jellies, platform shoes, clogs, sandals, or boots). If rain or winter boots are worn to school due to weather, the student should change into athletic shoes for the remainder of the school day. 
    • Early Learners and Pre-K students should bring a pair of rain boots to keep at School for the academic year.
    Kindergarten Through Sixth Grade General Appearance Guidelines
    • Students must have their names clearly marked on the inside of all clothing and shoes.
    • Students are required to arrive on campus properly and neatly attired in uniform clothing as designated in the List of Approved Clothing Items that can be found on the Lands’ End Online Uniform Store.
    • Required regulation Trinity School uniform clothing must be purchased from Lands’ End or at the on-campus Retread Sales throughout the year.
    • The Trinity School uniform logo must appear on all blouses, sweaters, sweatshirts, and fleeces.
    • Skirts must be mid-thigh or longer in length, and the waistband may not be rolled.
    • Oversized or undersized clothes are not appropriate.
    • Uniform “bike shorts” must be worn under skirts and jumpers.
    • Pants must not be worn around the hips.
    • Students may not deface their uniforms in any way.
    • Students must wear a belt when pants or shorts have belt loops.
    • Athletic or other closed-toed, non-marking soled shoes should be worn with the school uniform. Students must wear athletic shoes during P.E. and recess.
    • Jewelry that has either material or sentimental value should not be worn to school as it might be lost or broken.
    • Socks, leggings, and tights may be purchased anywhere.
    • Students may choose their own outerwear, including coats and jackets. Outerwear may be worn on the way to and from school and on the playground. In the classroom, only uniform outerwear may be worn.
    • On field trips, students should wear uniform clothing that is appropriate for the outing. Teachers may suggest activity-appropriate apparel.
    • Students may wear their own non-uniform clothing for graduation, non-uniform days (which are listed in the school calendar), and the Trinity Holiday Program.
    • On a non-uniform day, students should follow the general appearance guidelines listed for the Early Learners and Pre-K students.
    • No monograms other than the school logo are allowed on uniforms.

    Trinity School keeps the best interest of children utmost in any determination of policy and strives to communicate fully with each parent of Trinity students. Ideally a child’s parents (even if divorced) each take an interest in and remain informed about the child’s school experience. The following policy for dealing with split families is based on that assumption. Should a legal divorce settlement prohibit the involvement of the non-custodial parent with his or her children, then Trinity School expects either or both parents to so inform the School. Parents must provide the Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management with an updated copy of the legal custodial agreement. Barring a legal prohibition, Trinity will respond to all split families according to the following policy.

    The following may be available upon request to the Registrar for mailing to the non-custodial parent.
      • Progress Reports.
      • School calendars and subsequent changes thereto during the school year.
      • Notices of all regular parent-teacher conferences. It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to decide whether or not the non-custodial parent may attend the regularly scheduled conference.
      • Should the custodial parent decide negatively on a joint conference, the non-custodial parent may arrange a separate parent-teacher conference, realizing that this second conference may have to follow the first by several days.
      • Special letters from the Trinity School Parents’ Association, including invitations to join the Association, if the non-custodial parent is not already a member.
      • Notices of special school programs and events that parents may attend.
      • Trinity This Week school e-newsletter that is sent to all parents via email and is available in MyTrinity.
      • Flourish school magazine, which is available when non-custodial parents request it in writing.
    The following information and communication will not be mailed to the non-custodial parent.
      • Notes regarding minor school rule infractions by the child.
      • Notes concerning minor discipline or behavioral problems of the child which, though perhaps recurring, are not yet at a level to warrant a parent-teacher conference.
      • Notices of school or class events, such as field trips, clothing needs, or special lunch requirements.
      • Homework assignments.
    The School Administration and teachers will continue their efforts to welcome the non-custodial parent’s involvement in all parent activities. However, the School cannot adjudicate between parents as they are determining the level of involvement by the non-custodial parent that will be best for the child.

    Only the custodial parent will be listed in the online school directory, except in cases where the parenting agreement indicates that the non-custodial parent should be listed. Otherwise, the non-custodial parent will not be listed. Generally speaking, the online directory is a listing of the students and their permanent addresses and telephone numbers. Grade-level parents often maintain their own email lists. The School cannot be responsible for that communication.


    On some Conference Days, we have Early Dismissal. See the school calendar for specific dates. Camp Days may be offered during these times and days. Contact the Director of Extended Programs for more information or log into your CampBrain account to register.

    Trinity School is dedicated to advocating for the individual needs of each student to ensure their success. Should a student fall below the minimum academic standards for their grade, the Learning Team, a group of committed educators, provides additional support by developing interventions for each child’s unique learning profile. Trinity has established comprehensive procedures for identifying students who should receive Learning Team support.
    • Teachers promptly communicate concerns about a student’s academic progress to parents, initiating collaboration with Trinity’s Learning and Student Support Teams. 
    • The Learning Team offers teachers intervention and remediation strategies, fostering a collaborative approach to address learning challenges. 
    • Regular reviews of a student’s progress guide decisions for the next steps, which may involve additional academic support or recommendations for further testing and/or services.
    • If parents obtain a comprehensive psycho-ed evaluation, the School expects full disclosure of the evaluation, ensuring it remains confidential within a secure file accessible only to relevant teachers and administrators. 
    • Once the School receives the report, a meeting is scheduled with parents to discuss the evaluation report and a learning plan.
    Non-cooperation with the School’s recommendations may lead to a withholding of services, and at the discretion of the Head of School, enrollment for the following year may be reconsidered. If anticipated progress is not achieved, and it is deemed in the best interest of the child, the Division Head and Head of School may advise parents to explore alternative school placements. This process underscores Trinity’s commitment to fostering a supportive and tailored learning environment for every student.
    Eligibility for Learning Team

    Early Elementary Division
    Kindergartners and First-Grade students undergo assessments to gauge their academic progress and identify areas for improvement. Based on these evaluations, students may become eligible for pull-out support with the Learning Team.  

    A formal diagnosis of a learning difference does not guarantee Learning Team support in the Early Elementary Division.

    The criteria for receiving Learning Team support include:
    1. Falling below grade-level expectations, as indicated by benchmark data.
    2. Teacher observations highlighting specific areas of concern.
    3. Demonstrating an overall greatest need for support within the grade-level context.

    Upper Elementary Division
    Students in grades 2–5 undergo assessments to gauge their academic progress and identify areas for improvement. Based on these evaluations, student progress, and a diagnosis** of a learning difference, students may become eligible for pull-out support with the Learning Team.  

    The criteria for receiving Learning Team support include:
    1. A psycho-educational evaluation with a diagnosis that the Learning Team is able to support, such as a specific learning disability in reading, written expression, and/or mathematics.
    2. Falling below grade-level expectations, as indicated by benchmark data.
    3. Teacher observations highlighting specific areas of concern.
    4. Demonstrating an overall greatest need for support within the grade-level context.

    **A formal diagnosis of a learning difference does not guarantee Learning Team support in the Upper Elementary Division (UED).  

    In the UED, Learning Team support occurs during the World Languages block, which means that the student will go to a learning specialist in lieu of World Languages. In order to maintain Learning Team support, an updated psycho-ed evaluation must be obtained every three years in order to have current information about the student’s learning profile and progress.

    Extended Programs (EP) is Trinity’s after-school program.

    EP is available from 12:30 to 6 PM for all Trinity students and offers three carpool times on Monday through Thursday: 2 PM, 3 PM, and 4 PM, and two carpool times on Friday: 2 PM and 3 PM. A late fee will be charged if pick-up is past 6 PM (see Late Pick-Up Policy).

    Extended Programs consists of three types of classes: Core Classes, Special Classes, and Private Lessons. Registration for these classes occurs twice a year through CampBrain. Changes during the add/drop period can be made by contacting the EP office at A $20 change fee will apply for each change.

    Students can drop in to Extended Programs at any time for a fee of $20 per hour. If your child drops in for Lunch Bunch (12:30 to 2 PM), the charge is $30. To change your child’s normal pick-up time or arrange for drop-in care, you must notify the School via SchoolPass, which is available as an app and linked on MyTrinity, by 8:30 AM on the day of the change. It is not necessary to make a reservation or contact the Extended Programs office if the carpool change is made within SchoolPass. This is the best way to ensure your child is brought to the correct place at the correct time. The drop-in fee will be charged on the next month’s billing cycle.

    Camp Days | Half-Day and Full-Day Camps on Conference Days
    Camp Days offering traditional and specialty camps are available during Conference Days with advance registration on CampBrain. Times and prices vary depending on the camp offering. All camps have limited capacity and fill up quickly. Lunches and snacks are provided during traditional camps and can be added onto specialty camps for an additional fee. Regularly scheduled EP classes will not be held on conference days.

    Conference Day Drop-In Childcare
    Drop-in childcare at no cost is available for up to one hour for Trinity students during the time of their parent-teacher conference. Childcare rates will apply if students are left longer than one hour per conference.

    Changes and Cancellation Policy
    Class changes or cancellations may be made before the add/drop date. Please note the $20 fee for each change or cancellation. Once the add/drop date has passed, there will be no rebates, changes, or prorated fees. Trinity School reserves the right to cancel a Special Class before the add/drop date. Refunds will be issued if a class is canceled.

    Should you need to add a Core Class after the add/drop date, either the full semester rate or $20 drop-in fee per hour ($30/hour for Lunch Bunch), whichever is less expensive, will be charged.

    Late payment for EP charges: Accounts two months or more in arrears will result in the student not being able to attend Extended Programs until the payment is settled with the Business Office. Upon payment, enrollment may be reinstated with applicable paid tuition and fees.

    Late Pick-Up Policy
    EP closes at 6 PM. A $20 late fee per child will be charged from 6:01-6:10 PM. After 6:10 PM, the late fee rate is $2 per minute. The fee will be billed and charged to the student's CampBrain account.

    Carpool Procedures for Extended Programs
    Students who are not picked up at the end of carpool will be escorted to EP. Parents will be charged a drop-in rate of $20 per hour, which will be billed and charged to the student’s CampBrain account. Parents should walk in to pick up the child(ren) or arrange for the child to join a later carpool via SchoolPass.

    EP Special Classes ending at times other than the scheduled 2, 3, and 4 PM carpools will dismiss at the covered drop-off area at the end of class. The students will be escorted and supervised by the Special Class instructor. If students are not picked up after 15 minutes, they will be escorted to EP where they will be signed in for drop-in care until a parent arrives. Drop-in fees will apply.

    The primary function of classroom and auxiliary space is for the advancement of Trinity student learning. Requests for use typically include implications for custodial help, security, supervisory personnel, and wear-and-tear, all of which add financial as well as human costs. The Administration attempts to weigh all requests carefully and make decisions that are reasonable for those involved. Trinity typically does not grant requests for use from individuals or groups that have no direct association with the School.

    The following guidelines are intended to provide direction for decisions about the use of school facilities.
    • Usage of the school facilities for purposes other than instruction is determined at the discretion of the Director of Operations and those to whom he delegates responsibility.
    • School-operated programs for students before and after the school day, including Extended Programs, receive high priority. The Director of Extended Programs should be consulted as needed.
    • Fundraisers for the School, such as Spotlight on Art, are welcomed on campus and are coordinated with the Administration. Volunteer leaders and the appropriate administrators should discuss implications for instruction and other relevant issues.
    • Scout troops for Trinity girls and boys are typically allowed to use school facilities on a monthly basis. Space is limited and will be assigned at the discretion of the Director of Operations.
    • Requests for one-time meetings by private school professional organizations go through the Director of Operations and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
    • Once approved, all requests for facilities use require a Facilities Use Form completed by a Trinity employee.

    Early Learners and Pre-K students do not go off-site for field trips.

    The School utilizes buses for field trips and parents may be asked to be chaperones.

    Trinity School is a food allergen aware environment. All food prepared by the School’s food service provider, Flik, is peanut and tree nut free. Only food processed and provided by Flik is permitted in the kitchen and Dining Halls. Food-related and other allergies are serious and, in some cases, life threatening. Trinity takes a two-part approach to reducing the risk of accidental exposures for children. Food-related activities are kept to a minimum, and most of the food is consumed within more controlled environments, such as the Dining Hall and the child’s base classroom.

    The School strives to promote good nutrition in our students, which includes limiting the amount of sugar products consumed at school. School staff and parents also work together to support and empower children to become advocates for their own health, safety, and well-being as they develop into self-sufficient adolescents. The support and participation of the entire Trinity community is necessary to ensure that students can enjoy a safe educational environment. The School’s administration works with parents, staff, students, and physicians throughout the school year to reduce risks as outlined in the following guidelines.
    • Student and teacher birthdays, as well as other celebrations of individuals (e.g., Star Student), are celebrated in class with non-food traditions. Only on special occasions related to curriculum and with Division Head approval should food be used. Teachers will coordinate these occasions with parents when appropriate.
    • All teachers will ensure that activities, parties, or events that involve food align with allergy action plans. 
    • Teachers and staff will not give candy or other sweets to students at school without Division Head approval.
    • Grade-level or school-wide celebrations are appropriate occasions for food. The School asks that the quantity of sweets brought be modest, that portion size be small (e.g., mini muffins), that non-sweet alternatives (e.g., vegetables, cheese) also be brought, and that fewer parents bring food. FLIK may be available to assist (at a cost) with grade-wide celebrations where food is served.
    • As some children have allergies and are sensitive to even traces of allergens in food, some classrooms may have specifically prohibited food. Base classroom teachers will communicate special accommodations to parents. Parents may be asked to refrain from sending in snack items containing the allergen.
    • All classes have a daily snack time. Send a nutritious snack in easily opened containers, such as fresh vegetables or fruits, cheese, and whole-wheat crackers. Do not send in items that are high in sugar, such as cookies, cakes, and candy. 
    • Students may bring a reusable water bottle that has their name labeled on it to school each day. Water is available in the classroom, and no other drinks are permitted unless part of a Trinity School Nurse-approved dietary plan.
    • Early Elementary Division students should bring their snack in a container with the student’s name clearly visible on the outside.
    • Extended Programs provides snacks to students who are staying in Explorations (3–4 PM).
    • Creative ideas—low cost or no cost—are encouraged for special occasions at Trinity.
    • Parents and faculty may consult with the Division Head for additional questions, guidance, and information. 

    Responsibilities of Parents and Guardians
    Formally notify the School Nurses of your child’s allergies by completing the Magnus online health form. Your child’s information in Magnus should be updated annually and when there are changes to your child’s medical conditions.

    Work with your child’s classroom teacher(s) to develop a plan that reasonably accommodates the child’s needs throughout the school day, including in the classroom and the cafeteria, for special events, and on school trips. This plan should include a current allergy action plan, revised at least annually, with signatures of a healthcare provider and parent and at least two emergency contacts who are knowledgeable about your child’s allergy and how to treat it.

    Depending on the severity of your child’s food allergy, you may find it important to meet with a School Nurse and the School’s food service provider, Flik, to discuss safe and healthy options that align with your child’s needs. The Chef Manager is available to meet with parents on an appointment basis. You may schedule an appointment by emailing Flik at

    Extended Programs provides snacks to students who are staying in Explorations (3–4 PM). If your child participates in any Extended Programs, please contact Director of Extended Programs Kayleen Whitmer at to draft an allergy action plan for your child while in the care of the Extended Programs staff.

    Provide prescribed emergency medications with the original pharmacy labels  and replace medications after use or upon expiration. Examples: Epinephrine auto-injector, Benadryl, Albuterol inhaler.

    Support your child in the age-appropriate self-management of their food allergy, which includes making safe food choices, strategies for avoiding exposure to unsafe foods, recognizing symptoms of allergic reactions, how and when to tell an adult that they may be having an allergy-related problem, and how to read food labels.

    Responsibility of School Administrators, Faculty, and Staff
    School administrators, faculty, and staff will comply with all applicable federal and state laws, including FERPA regulations. They will include food-allergic students in school activities to the best of the School’s ability. Students should not be excluded from school activities solely based on their food allergy. Administrators, staff, and teachers should be mindful of students with food allergies and other diet restrictions when planning events and activities.

    The student’s base classroom teacher will act as his or her primary advocate throughout the school day, helping to ensure a safe environment and minimize the student’s day-to-day risk of exposure to harmful foods.

    The School will ensure that teachers and staff who interact with the student on a regular basis understand his or her food allergy; can recognize symptoms; know what to do in an emergency, including administration of emergency medications; and work with other school staff to eliminate the use of allergens in the allergic student’s meals, educational tools, arts and crafts projects, or incentives.

    Trinity’s School Nurses play a vital role in management of all health-related issues concerning students. They are responsible for ensuring that the School’s policies and procedures function effectively and minimize risk of exposure for students with severe food allergies. These responsibilities include:
    • Reviewing the health records of each student submitted in the Magnus online database by parents.
    • Ensuring medications are appropriately labeled and stored.
    • Stocking the emergency kits with a physician’s standing order for epinephrine.
    • Training the appropriate personnel to administer medications in accordance with the State Nursing and Good Samaritan Laws governing the administration of emergency medications.
    • Providing ongoing training for all school employees in first aid and emergency procedures as outlined by state and federal laws and guidelines. This training includes the identification and treatment of severe allergic reactions.

    Responsibilities of the Student (as age-appropriate)
    • Should not share or trade food with others.
    • Should not eat anything with unknown ingredients or known to contain any allergen.
    • Should be proactive in the care and management of their food allergies and reactions based on their developmental level.
    • When age-appropriate, students should be allowed to carry their own epinephrine with approval from the student’s physician, parent, and a School Nurse.
    • Notify an adult immediately if they eat something they believe may contain the food to which they are allergic or feel that they are having an allergic reaction.

    Classroom Hygiene Procedures
    Students and employees are directed to practice good hygiene, including handwashing before and after eating, and cleaning desk surfaces after eating.

    Guidelines for Food at Class Parties
    Parents bringing food into the classroom must communicate with the classroom teacher to ensure that appropriate food is brought to campus. As some students have allergies and are sensitive to even traces of allergens in food, pre-packaged food is strongly recommended. Trinity recommends the Snack Safely Guide (links to external website) as a useful resource for identifying safe party foods.

    Food Service
    Trinity School utilizes Flik Independent School Dining Services for all meals prepared for students on campus during the school year. All foods served by Flik are peanut and tree nut free. The Chef Manager is also available to meet with parents of children with severe food allergies and other diet restrictions to discuss reasonable alternative food choices that can be made available. Parents may contact Flik at to schedule a time to meet.

    Environmental Guidelines
    Trinity School recognizes that the environment plays a major role in managing allergies, whether food-related or not (e.g., air quality, latex, animals). Consideration for this is reflected in the Trinity School Maintenance Plan and Procedures. In support of the school allergy policy:
    • Animals are not allowed inside the School unless crated and monitored.
    • Animals are not allowed on Trinity's grounds without a leash in control of their handler, including during carpool.

    It is very important that a child is kept home when sick, both for the child’s health and for the well-being of other students. Trinity School has two full-time registered nurses who manage the daily operations of the school clinic and render first aid and subsequent treatment to injured or ill students, faculty, and staff. The Nurses may be reached during school hours at 404-231-8108 or
    • Trinity maintains online student health records, which are completed by parents.
    • Trinity School’s guidelines for illness and school attendance, i.e., “Is Your Child Too Sick for School?”, can be found on the Health Information tile in MyTrinity.
    • If your child is absent from school, email and his or her base classroom teachers. Include the child’s symptoms and diagnosis, if known. 
    • Parents or guardians will be called to pick up their child if he or she is too ill to remain in school, thought to be contagious, or has more than a minor injury.
    • Parents or guardians should be able to pick up a sick or injured child within one hour of being notified.
    • If the parents or guardians cannot be reached, the emergency contact person(s) will be called to pick up the child.
    • A photo ID may be required of persons other than parents or guardians who pick up children.

    Medication Policy
    At Trinity School, a School Nurse must oversee the administration of any and all medications. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medications. Students are not permitted to have any medication in their possession on campus or during school activities such as field trips (including cough drops and diet supplements), with the exception of inhalers, diabetic supplies, and/or an EpiPen (requiring parent or guardian written permission).
      • Students are not permitted to bring cough drops to school as they are a choking hazard. They must be distributed by the School Nurse from the school stock supply if needed.
      • The School Nurses must be notified of any medication a student is taking.
      • Information regarding all medications that a student is taking must be included on the online Trinity Health Record.
      • If the child requires medication during school hours, it must be brought to a School Nurse by the parents or guardians in the original, pharmacy-labeled container with current and complete directions.
      • If medications are required during the school day, they must also be taken on all school outdoor education trips (in appropriately labeled containers) as these are considered academic days.
      • If medications are required during school hours, the Medication Authorization Form must be completed by the parent or guardian. If this medication is to be administered regularly for more than two calendar weeks, the child’s physician must also complete the Medication Authorization Form. This form will be added to the online Student Medical Record.

    Health Forms and Immunization Requirements
    The Trinity Student Medical Record must be completed and submitted by the date stated in the enrollment packet. A routine medical exam is not required. To accomplish this, the parent or guardian must enter the student’s health information into an online Student Medical Record that will be accessible only to appropriate Trinity personnel and the parent or guardian.

    Important Note Regarding Georgia State Law: In accordance with state and federal health regulations, any child who does not have a completed health record by the first day of school will not be permitted to attend school until the record and all requirements are fulfilled, including complete and current immunization certification.

    The Magnus system will send email reminders at least weekly until your child(ren)'s health records have been completed. If you receive a reminder for a requirement that you think you’ve completed, or if you believe your family will require an extension on submitting your annual paperwork after the due date, contact the School Nurses at at your earliest convenience.

      • All children with medical issues (i.e., asthma, diabetes, food allergies, seizures, other chronic or life-threatening conditions, and/or requiring medications while in school) must have a current Plan of Care entered into the online Student Medical Record by the first day of school. This may require a physical exam and healthcare provider signature. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to keep this information current and to supply all medication or medical equipment needed for the child while in school or on school trips.
      • Immunizations: Trinity adheres to the state of Georgia’s immunization requirements for children. Current Georgia residents must submit the GA 3231 at the time of enrollment. Out-of-state or out-of-country students must submit their current state record or form at the time of acceptance for evaluation and must submit a completed GA Form 3231 as soon as possible. The immunization record will be added to the online Student Medical Record. In accordance with state and federal health regulations, any child who does not have a completed health record within Magnus (including up-to-date immunization certification) by the first day of school will not be permitted to attend school until the record and all requirements are fulfilled.
      • Vision, Hearing, and Dental Screening (GA 3300) is required of all entering students of appropriate age. Initial screening begins at age four. The screening records will be added to the online Student Medical Record.
    Trinity recognizes that students may incur concussions and head injuries. Trinity School requires all nurses, teachers, Division Heads, and P.E. teachers to complete training on the recognition and management of concussions or head injuries. For further information on the School’s policy, visit the Health Information tile in MyTrinity.

    Contagious Diseases
    It is the policy of the School that any child with a contagious disease must be kept at home until a healthcare provider has medically cleared him or her. For a list of contagious diseases and the School’s policy, visit the Health Information tile in MyTrinity.

    Head Lice
    Head Lice is an issue in virtually every elementary school, but it is not a health or hygiene issue. No one should miss class time due to head lice. Trinity School follows the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Policy. For further information, visit the Health Information tile in MyTrinity.

    Toileting Independently
    In order to protect the health of the community, students must be able to independently recognize and manage toileting activities. In the event of toileting accidents, parents will be called and may be asked to pick up their child. As stated in the Contagious Diseases Policy, students exhibiting signs of diarrhea must be picked up from school immediately and remain home for 24 hours. In other instances, parents may be asked to pick up their child after repeated accidents. In extreme instances, parents may be asked to keep a child at home until independent toileting is more regular.

    Weather Guidelines
    Trinity’s Weather Guidelines are designed to protect students from having heat- or cold-related illnesses or problems. The guidelines are for coaches and teachers to use when making decisions to modify and/or suspend outdoor activities. For further information on the School’s policy, visit the Health Information tile in MyTrinity.

    Additional Evaluation and Medication Needs
    A medical exam may be recommended to determine if there is a physical cause for an educational problem, as in the case of Attention Deficit Disorder. At no time does an individual at the School make a recommendation for medication. When a student is placed on a medication that requires ongoing observation, evaluation, and other follow-up, a conference (in person or by phone) will be held whenever appropriate. The purpose of the conference is to discuss dosages and behavior patterns and to establish a communication plan regarding the monitoring of medication.

    Once effective dosages are reached, reevaluation with a School Counselor, School Nurse, and teachers should be done on an individual basis with input from Specials teachers. The parents should share the reports of that reassessment with the monitoring physician.
      • After further evaluation and diagnosis, if medication is recommended, the School will work with the parents or guardians and an outside consultant (medical doctor) as a team. This consists of ongoing observations, evaluations, and periodic conferences by phone or in person. The conferences will assist the family in assessing the effects of the medication and the dosage that is appropriate for the child. Additionally, the conferences will establish a communication plan for further discussion of behavior patterns and medication adjustments.
      • If medication is required during the school day, the Nurse will dispense the medication to the child in the school clinic.

    Trinity seeks to provide outstanding daily challenge, creativity, and care for each of its students at all grade levels. We also provide excellent preparation for the future. As a school that focuses on the whole child, we know that children also need time to reflect, to play, to read, to engage in after-school activities, and to enjoy their families.

    Intelligent problem solving, sophisticated decision making, productive teamwork, and critical and creative thinking are most inspired by active engagement with teachers and peers during the school day.

    Homework at Trinity should be age-appropriate and purposeful, enriching learning without being an undue burden. Learning that occurs during the school day outweighs the quantity of work done at home. Children need precious time with family and friends.

    Preparing for the next grade or next school occurs best when children are challenged and engaged in ways that are responsive to their development. Research does not support the notion that homework at the elementary level increases achievement or responsibility; in fact, excessive homework can diminish students’ love of learning. Formal learning that occurs during the day is extremely important; so is the informal learning that takes place within the family and through constructive and balanced activities. Teachers always monitor student learning and progress; limiting homework will not decrease student success.

    Your child’s teacher can provide more details about homework and about the role parents can best play in supporting their child’s learning. The School’s Homework Policy is linked here and can always be found on the Parent Resources tile in MyTrinity.

    All homework assignments in Fourth-Sixth Grade are posted on Google Classroom.

    All Trinity employees and parents/guardians of Trinity students are issued photo identification badges for security purposes and to provide access to the campus and school building during designated hours.

    Trinity ID badges should be worn at all times while on campus.

    If you have your ID badge: Upon arrival and departure, parents are required to enter at the reception entrance and swipe their ID badge at the attendance card reader on the reception desk. Parent ID badges only open the main entry door at Reception; they do not open the entry door next to the Visitor Lot.

    If you do not have your ID badge: Except for large community events like Visitation Morning, anyone who visits Trinity without a Trinity ID badge (including parents who forget theirs) must present a government-issued ID (e.g., a driver’s license) at the reception desk. Visitors will then check in using the iPad at reception, which will take their photo and print a name tag that must be worn while on campus.

    Trinity School provides secondary coverage accident insurance for each child registered at the School during school hours and at school-sponsored events and trips.

    The Lost and Found Room is located downstairs. Leftover clothing without names will be donated to charity periodically throughout the year.

    The cost of hot lunch for all children at School is included as either part of tuition or as part of the Extended Programs class price. All children who eat lunch at school are expected to eat in the Dining Hall.

    No lunches should be brought from home. Menus may be found on the Flik tile in MyTrinity.

    Parents and grandparents are invited to have lunch with their child during his or her designated lunch period at the cost of $6 per meal. Call Reception in advance to make a reservation and to ask about special friend lunches.

    Each classroom has a daily snack time. Only send healthy snacks with your child. Do not send items that are high in sugar, such as cookies, candy, and sweetened beverages. During Back-to-School Night, the classroom teacher will provide more specific information regarding snacks.

    The School’s kitchen staff is mindful of allergies and other food-sensitive matters. Parents should meet with their child’s teacher and, if necessary, a School Nurse and the Chef Manager to review dietary restrictions and other precautionary measures.

    The purpose of Trinity’s outdoor learning spaces is to use the undeveloped natural land on the School’s campus with the same intentionality as the developed land. All learning experiences are enhanced with deliberate effort placed on having as little negative environmental impact as possible on the outdoor area.

    The outdoor area is to be used primarily for students, faculty, and staff during the school day and is not available for birthday parties or overnight camping. Scouts who meet at Trinity during the day may speak to the Director of Operations about use of the trails for scout activities.

    Trinity is dedicated to educating parents as well as children. The Administration plans numerous parent education events through the course of the year, which are noted on the School Calendar.

    Classroom time is for uninterrupted teaching. Messages to your child or your child’s teacher and forgotten articles are to be left at Reception for delivery by the Receptionist at the appropriate time. Do not walk down to the classroom to deliver such materials as this might disrupt instruction.

    Do not park in the covered carpool lane, which is a fire lane, or in the Visitor Parking Lot. Park only in marked spaces. If marked spaces are full, you may park on the right-hand side of Trinity’s perimeter road, being mindful so that carpool is not obstructed. Some all-school events result in a full parking lot. Please park safely and conservatively during such times. Off-site parking will be utilized for some events. There are a few 20-minute parking spaces in the parent lot near the front steps.

    Community members may have small businesses or offer services for which they wish to advertise to the Trinity Community. However, Trinity-sponsored communications methods and publications such as school email addresses, directories, website, e-newsletter, etc., should be used solely for school-related matters by and among members of the Trinity School community. Utilizing these communication methods and the information they contain for any other purpose is unauthorized. The School does not promote outside events, fundraising initiatives, organizations, or businesses.

    Trinity School respects each person’s human rights and possessions. Borrowing and lending are permissible, but students are continually reminded to be accountable. Damaging another person’s property or losing another’s possessions is violating that person’s rights. All damages or losses, whether accidental or not, will be acknowledged and reimbursement will be made by the individuals involved. Trinity School reserves the right to inspect all cubbies and backpacks should it be deemed necessary.

    The playgrounds have been designed to adhere to all playground safety standards. Children should not wear rings, bracelets, or necklaces while on the playground as they are safety hazards. Teachers supervise all recess periods. It is inevitable that occasional skinned knees and other minor injuries may occur during playtime.

    During the enrollment process, we ask for written permission to use student images to further communicate learning at Trinity. The language in the contract says: I hereby give the School, and/or representatives authorized by the School, permission to use and share video, photographs, excerpts, and/or artifacts of my child (or ward), or their work, for both educational and/or school-related public relations purposes. I understand that I may revoke this permission only by providing written notice to the Communications Department. Parents and guardians granting permission to Trinity should know that we protect the identity and privacy of our students by using first names only when posting online.

    At Trinity School, all faiths and traditions are respected and valued in a nonsectarian environment. We acknowledge that students enter our classrooms with a healthy curiosity about religious and moral issues, and we provide a context in which children of different beliefs are able to engage in open and respectful discussions that will help them to understand and develop acceptance and respect for each other and themselves. While the School is no longer religiously affiliated, we have a proud history and connection to our Judeo-Christian heritage and founding by Trinity Presbyterian Church. As such, a brief nonsectarian school prayer is usually given at school assemblies and some classes offer a blessing before lunch.

    To provide a safe and secure environment for children, the following are highlights of the Trinity School security system.
    • ID badges must be worn at all times on campus by anyone who visits the School, including parents.
    • Front gates are kept closed during periods of light use.
    • The outside doors to the School are locked at all times. Teachers and parents are told not to prop doors.
    • Parents may use their ID badge to enter through the main entrance in the courtyard, then proceed to Reception to formally check-in by swiping their badges. Parent ID badges do not open the entry door next to the Visitor Lot.
    • Parent ID badges are programmed to work only during the hours when parents need to get into the School. If a parent ID badge is lost, notify the receptionist. Parent ID badges may be obtained throughout the school year and are used as long as you have children at Trinity.
    • Trinity retains off-duty police officers, and a security guard patrols the campus.
    Those interested in further details may contact the Director of Operations at 404-240-2279.

    Trinity School uses information and technology in safe, legal, and responsible ways, and expects faculty and staff members to abide by reasonable standards, as their actions reflect on the School. The following guidelines refer to the use of social media sites including, but not limited to, Instagram, Facebook, X, Pinterest, and YouTube.
    • Trinity School employees are expected to model the use of social media appropriately for students, understanding that they serve as role models for students.
    • Employees should represent the School in keeping with the Reasonable Use Policy, avoiding language, images, or links that are inconsistent with the professionalism Trinity expects.
    • Reasonable consideration for others' privacy should be used.
    • Federal law makes it illegal for personal social media sites to provide accounts to anyone under the age of 13. Therefore, initiating or accepting "friend" requests or similar contact from current students is prohibited. Employees should exercise discretion in connecting with former students and parents via social media, and do so at their own risk.
    • Any issue in which the safety or well-being of a member of the Trinity School community is at stake should immediately be brought to the attention of a member of the Leadership Team.
    • It is acceptable to identify oneself as a Trinity School employee on social media sites.
    • Last names of current Trinity School students may not be used on any social media site.
    • The Communications Department exercises the right to remove posts (including photos, videos, tweets, links, etc.) on any official Trinity School social media profile.
    • Trinity employees should not post information explicitly revealing the current location(s) of students when outside of Trinity School (i.e., field trips, off-site performances, etc.).
    • Trinity employees should not post about or during any crisis situation or crisis situation drill, including fire drills, tornado drills, lockdown drills, and tornado warnings.

    • Trinity School has an official public presence on Instagram (@trinityschool) to communicate all-school news, events, and photos.
    • All Instagram activity sponsored by the School is overseen by the Communications Department.
    • The Communications Department posts content on behalf of the School.
    • Faculty, staff, and administrators with personal Instagram accounts remain representatives of Trinity School when communicating via social media. Therefore, any reference to Trinity School must adhere to the professional guidelines outlined within this policy.

    • Trinity School has an official public presence on Facebook ( to communicate all-school news, events, and photos.
    • All Facebook activity sponsored by the School (including the “Trinity School Alumni Association” account) is overseen by the Communications Department.
    • The Communications Department will post content on behalf of the School.
    • Faculty, staff, and administrators with personal Facebook accounts remain representatives of Trinity School when communicating via social media. Therefore, any reference to Trinity School must adhere to the professional guidelines outlined within this policy.

    • Trinity School has an official public presence on X: @trinityatl (est. Nov. 2011), through which all-school news and events are communicated, along with anecdotal classroom documentation of student and adult learning.
    • All X activity on the @trinityatl account is overseen by the Communications Department.
    • The Communications Department tweets on behalf of the School, including retweets of members inside and outside of the community.
    • Faculty/staff may use hashtags, such as the School’s official hashtag #trinitylearns, to highlight learning experiences specific to grade levels and/or specials.

    Parent Expectations
    Trinity parents are encouraged to engage in conversations on the School’s social media outlets. The School asks that parents avoid listing current students’ last names and current locations for the safety of our students. Parents are also asked to avoid posting negative or inappropriate comments on the School’s social media outlets or tagging the School in any context that does not align with the School’s mission and philosophy.

    As an elementary school, Trinity School cherishes childhood while preparing our students for the future. Our approach to technology aligns with this philosophy, emphasizing age-appropriate use that evolves as students mature and that enhances each student’s overall learning experience. We integrate technology safely, intentionally, and responsibly to help prevent our students’ overuse or misuse of technology, which can have harmful consequences.

    • Guidance on Technology Use: We educate students on the benefits and potential drawbacks of technology, emphasizing its role as one of many instructional tools.
    • Balanced Development: To support healthy social and emotional development, we advocate for ample unstructured playtime with peers. Our approach ensures that technology use increases with age, allowing younger students to engage more with traditional learning methods and personal interactions. Over-reliance on technology can hinder the development of essential social skills, confidence, and independence.
    • School-Provided Technology: Trinity School provides each student with a device for their use at school. Based on the day’s learning activities, Early Learners through First Grade (the Early Elementary Division) students may use securely managed iPads. In the Upper Elementary Division (grades 2-6), each student is assigned a Chromebook and uses a school-managed Google account for educational purposes through Google Workspace for Education.
    • Safeguarded Use On and Off Campus: On campus, all students are safeguarded by a comprehensive firewall and antivirus software on Trinity-provided devices. Additionally, Upper Elementary Chromebooks are monitored both on and off campus using Go Guardian, which alerts the Technology Department of any inappropriate browsing activity. Trinity’s cloud-based security systems protect school-issued devices, including those used at home. Our tech team works with school counselors and division heads to address any inappropriate conduct detected through these systems.
    • Social Media Restriction: As required by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), children under 13 are not allowed to create or maintain personal accounts on any social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat. These sites are not accessible by students on their Trinity-managed devices.
    • Personal Devices Policy: During school hours, including carpool and Extended Programs, students may not use any personal devices (such as cell phones, laptops, iPads, or smartwatches), and these devices must be kept in bookbags or classroom cubbies. We strongly prefer that students do not bring personal devices to school.
    • Recommendations for Parents: We recommend that parents limit their child’s access to technology at home. When children do use technology, it should be under adult supervision.
    • Parental Support: Trinity School provides parents with resources and strategies to monitor their child’s technology use. This includes guidance on managing group chats and other digital communications. We encourage parents to let the technology team know if an issue arises with the school-provided laptops at home and to attend digital safety discussions on campus to learn how to best oversee children’s digital usage.
    • Community Approach: We encourage parents to collaborate with other families to prevent overuse of technology and delay social media access. A collective effort is more effective than an individual approach in limiting children’s use of technology and postponing access to social media.

    Parents are requested not to call students or teachers during school hours. Emergency messages will be received and delivered by the Receptionist. Classes will only be interrupted for urgent reasons.
      • Administrators and staff can be reached via their direct lines. Messages may also be left on their voicemail or email.
      • Parents can reach faculty and specialists’ voicemail 24 hours a day. Non-emergency messages may be left on their voicemails.
      • Parents can also reach faculty, administrators, and staff via email. Please do not expect teachers to respond immediately to email, since student instruction is their primary duty.
      • As students are not allowed to use cell phones or wearable technology at school during the regular school day, parents should not use cell phones as a means of communicating with their child. If a student brings a cell phone or wearable technology (e.g., Smartwatch) to school, it must stay in his or her bookbag and remain turned off.
    Trinity School is very interested in keeping in touch with parents about the progress of their children. Parents wishing to schedule a conference with a teacher are asked to contact the teacher to arrange a suitable time. All after-school visitations must be prearranged.

    Any serious matter must be handled by an individual conference at the school where records are available. Please be considerate and respectful by not telephoning the teachers at their homes or on their cell phones. Instead, use their school email or voicemail unless there is an emergency. A TSPA member, Room Parent, or Grade Level Representative, as appropriate, can answer questions about school social activities.

    Trinity School Parents’ Association Mission
    All parents of Trinity students are members of the Trinity School Parents’ Association. Parent involvement at Trinity is vital to the School’s success, and the strong working relationship between the School’s parents and its faculty and staff strengthens the Trinity Experience for the entire community.

    TSPA is dedicated to upholding Trinity School’s mission and goals; supporting the School’s faculty, staff, and administration; and fostering a parent community that values and embodies respect, empathy, diversity, and unity. TSPA aims to create an inclusive environment in which Trinity parents have opportunities to meet one another and work together to contribute to the needs of their children and the School. The Association’s volunteers enrich student experiences, coordinate special programs and activities, and help communicate policies and information to the Trinity parent community.

    TSPA Dues
    TSPA dues are much appreciated as they allow the organization to allocate the necessary funds across different initiatives and events. These dues are utilized for the following.
    • Student Enrichment (Community Service; Community Life and Engagement; Garden; Field Day; Media Center)
    • Community Efforts (Sustainability, Holiday Decorations)
    • Family Events (School Festival, Dad’s Day, Mornings with Mom)
    • Fundraising (Uniform Retread Sales, Coordination with Partner Programs)
    • New Family Initiatives (Welcoming Committee, Host Families)
    • Teacher/Staff Appreciation (T.O.A.S.T.!, Faculty/Staff Appreciation Day)
    In addition to these initiatives, TSPA dues contribute to the Holiday Gift Fund, school-wide special events, condolences, and TSPA administrative expenses.

    Trinity’s website ( and MyTrinity—the School's secure, password-protected location for internal resources used by Trinity School parents, faculty, and staff—are the primary hubs of school information for parents and other constituents. Calendars, events, updates, and other time-specific activities are noted on both. Class-specific information will be communicated by teachers and Room Parents.

    Resources you will find when you log in to MyTrinity include:
    • Academic Resources
    • Directories - Family and Employee
    • Health Information and Magnus Student Health Record Login
    • Lunch Menus
    • The Overend Learning Commons Resources
    • Parent Handbook
    • SchoolPass and Tuition Portal Logins
    • Trinity This Week (TTW) Archives
    • Uniform Guidelines
    • Photos and Videos
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4301 Northside Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 |
Phone: 404-231-8100 | Fax: 404-231-8111