An elementary-only independent school located in Atlanta, serving children ages three through Sixth Grade since 1951.

Affording a Trinity Education

For the current school year, we were thrilled to extend $1,728,983 in financial assistance to 82 of our families.
Trinity School warmly welcomes families seeking a remarkable elementary school experience for their children. We understand that financial considerations play a crucial role in your decision, and we're here to support you every step of the way.
Following Atlanta Area Association of Independent School (AAAIS) guidelines, eligibility for financial assistance at Trinity School is based solely on demonstrated need. We firmly believe that financial circumstances should never hinder your child's opportunity to flourish within our educational community. Importantly, applying for financial assistance will have no bearing on your child's admission, as our admission decisions are solely rooted in merit and potential.
The application for financial assistance and determination of eligibility is processed through Clarity, an online financial aid platform. Once your application is processed, our financial assistance committee works alongside the admissions team to ensure inclusivity and confidentiality. Each family receiving assistance is asked to contribute a portion of the tuition, fostering a sense of shared responsibility. 
For the current school year, we were thrilled to extend $1,728,983 in assistance to 82 of our families.
Our comprehensive tuition covers most school expenses, including lunches, field trips, technology access, school supplies, and yearbooks. Additional costs may include uniforms (applicable to Kindergarten through Sixth Grade), Trinity School Parents’ Association dues, and after-school classes. We're committed to helping you manage the expenses with used uniform sales held throughout the year and discounts for our after-school program. Furthermore, we offer various payment plans to fit your family’s unique needs.
Financial assistance applications for the upcoming 2025–26 school year are now available through Clarity.
For any questions you have regarding financial assistance, do not hesitate to contact Brad Brown, Director of Admissions and Enrollment Management, at or 404-231-8105. He would love to have the opportunity to speak with you.

Tuition Rates 2025-2026

At Trinity School, we understand and appreciate the careful financial planning that is required when choosing to invest in an independent school education. Through the admissions process, our goal is to share with you the many ways in which a Trinity education cherishes childhood while equipping our students to thrive in secondary school, college, and life.
Grade Level  Tuition
Early Learners (beginning at age three)  $22,850
Pre-K and Kindergarten  $31,000  
First-Sixth Grade  $35,000
In preparing our students to flourish, we believe that economic diversity enhances our overall school community to the benefit of all our families. If you have any questions regarding affordability at Trinity School, please do not hesitate to contact our admission team. We are dedicated to helping you determine the best fit for your family.

Extended Programs

Each day, our students explore, discover, and grow together through structured activities and play during Extended Programs (a.k.a. EP), Trinity's robust after-school program. Our team is comprised of outstanding educators who are committed to providing an engaging experience that is a true extension of the Trinity school day.

EP offers Core Classes and Special Classes. Core Classes are a mix of structured and unstructured after-school activities—such as playground time and monitored study time—that are led by Extended Programs Teachers and include a class that runs until 6 PM. Special Classes focus on students’ interests—such as Chess, Golf, and STEAM—and are led by Trinity Teachers or experts from the community. Early Learners are eligible for Special Classes beginning in the spring semester.

Through a variety of possibilities designed to best meet the needs of each family, parents may choose to have their children engaged in one after-school activity or a number of after-school offerings.

Pre-Discount Cost Per Semester for Extended Programs Core Classes

Grade Level(s) 2 PM Carpool 3 PM Carpool 4 PM Carpool
*No 4 PM Carpool
on Fridays
6 PM Pick-Up
Early Learners $1,525
12:30–2 PM
12:30–3 PM
12:30–4 PM 
12:30–6 PM (Fri)
12:30–6 PM
Pre-K and Kindergarten N/A $725
2–3 PM
2–4 PM
2–6 PM (Fri)
2–6 PM
First–Sixth Grades N/A $145
2–3 PM
Friday Only
3–4 PM
3–6 PM (Fri)
3–6 PM

Prices above are based on a five-day week. The table above does NOT include the discount that financial assistance family receive for after-school programs.

Students can drop in to Extended Programs at any time for a fee of $20 per hour. If a student drops in for Lunch Bunch (12:30 to 2 PM), the charge is $30. 

Click here to learn more about Extended Programs and view descriptions and pricing for Core and Special classes for the rising semester.

Frequently Asked Questions

List of 8 items.

  • What is financial assistance?

    At Trinity School, we believe that qualified families should have the opportunity to benefit from a Trinity education. Our financial assistance funding is intended to assist families with bridging the gap between income and their ability to pay the total educational expenses.  
  • Who is eligible to apply for financial assistance?

    Financial assistance applications are open to both current families and families who are applying for admission to Trinity. 
  • Will applying for financial assistance impact my admissions decision?

    Per AAAIS guidelines, eligibility for financial assistance at Trinity School is based solely on need. Applying for financial assistance will in no way affect the consideration of your child for admission at Trinity School.
  • How are financial assistance awards determined?

    The application for Financial Assistance and determination of eligibility is processed by Clarity. Financial Assistance awards are need-based and are determined after a thorough review conducted by our Financial Assistance Committee. Clarity uses the financial information you provide through the Clarity application to calculate an estimated amount that your family can contribute to the cost of a Trinity education. In reviewing your Clarity application, the Financial Assistance Committee will determine demonstrated need by considering factors such as net income, assets, number of dependents, number of students attending tuition-charging institutions, any unusual expenses such as medical costs or educational debt, and other sources of income such as support from relatives. The committee will also take into consideration your need relative to other families applying for assistance.
    Every family receiving assistance is asked to pay some portion of the tuition. All Financial Assistance requests are kept confidential.
  • When is the deadline to apply for financial assistance?

    Financial assistance applications are now open on Clarity. To be eligible for consideration for financial assistance, you must complete and submit all required documents by January 10, 2025. The Financial Assistance Committee will communicate financial assistance decisions on April 5, 2025. Families seeking financial assistance are encouraged to complete their applications as early as possible.

    Early notification financial assistance application deadline is December 6, 2024, and decisions will be sent on February 5, 2025.
  • Is financial assistance renewable each year?

    New applications for financial assistance and supporting documentation must be filed each year through Clarity. Changes in your financial status may affect the receipt or amount of assistance. Your child's account must be kept current as financial standing is a factor in determining awards for subsequent years. The student must be in good standing both academically and in conduct, as determined by the division head or Head of School in order to be considered for financial assistance for subsequent years.
  • What If I am divorced or unmarried?

    Financial aid is based on the family’s ability to pay as demonstrated by the information submitted in the Parent Financial Statement (PFS). In keeping with the NAIS Principles of Good Practice for Financial Aid, the school considers tuition the responsibility of both the custodial and non-custodial parents (regardless of legal settlements) who are divorced, separated, or never married. Accordingly, both parents must complete a Financial Aid application and provide the required supporting documents. In cases where applications are completed by non-married parents, information is kept separate and confidential and will never be shared by the school with the other parent.
  • What resources are available from Clarity to help me fill out the financial assistance application?

    If you require assistance while filling out your application, you can access support directly within the application, or you can reach out for help via email at, available in both English and Spanish. Additionally, the application is fully available in Spanish.

Important Financial Assistance Dates

List of 5 items.

  • Oct 1, 2024

    Financial Assistance Applications open via Clarity
  • Dec 6, 2024

    Early Learners and Pre-K Early Notification Financial Assistance Application Deadline as well as Returning Family Financial Assistance Application Deadline
  • Feb 1, 2025

    Early Notification Financial Assistance Decisions posted
  • Jan 17, 2025

    Financial Assistance Application Deadline for Prospective Families
  • April 5, 2025

    Financial Assistance Decisions posted
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4301 Northside Parkway NW, Atlanta, GA 30327 |
Phone: 404-231-8100 | Fax: 404-231-8111